About Chamundi Wild Animals Rescue Rehabilitation and conservation breeding centre, Kurgally
Sri Chamarajendra Zoological Gardens has established an exclusive facility for rescue and rehabilitation of wild animals. This is an off display facility and as on today it houses rescued tigers, leopards, elephants and some birds species. This is around 113 acre forest area transferred to the Mysuru Zoo for meeting the requirement of rescue, rehabilitation and conservation breeding of wild animals. This area also has conservation breeding centre for Indian Gaur, Indian Grey Wolf, Dhole and Lion Tailed Macaque. There is a proposal to have a conservation breeding centre for Nilgiri Langur, Giant Squirrel and Grey Jungle Fowl as well in coming years. This facility also has fully fledged veterinary hospital and also has office premises of Chairman, Zoo Authority of Karnataka and Member Secretary, Zoo Authority of Karnataka. This facility has a very sound water harvesting and organic waste management system in place. Vacant land under the transmission line is being used to cultivate the fodder required for the elephants housed at the facility.